Instructions to authors and publication conditions

  Instructions to Authors

Publication conditions

Ethical guidelines:

In order to prevent cases of scientific misconduct, the Editorial Board has procedures in place to deal with cases of "Ghost-writing", "Guest Authorship", "Plagiarism" and "Self-plagiarism".

"Ghost-writing": A situation where someone makes a substantial contribution to a publication without revealing his or her participation as one of the authors or without being mentioned in the acknowledgments attached to the publication.
"Guest Authorship" or "Honorary Authorship": A situation where one or more authors are cited as making a significant contribution to a work were as in reality the contribution is insignificant.
"Plagiarism": The act of using someone else's work as one's own without acknowledging the source of that work.
"Self-plagiarism": The act of using your own earlier published work without acknowledging the source of that work.

We informe, that due to the works, which will be published in the journal Problems of Small Agricultural Holdings (so articles), we use Open Access rules.
Key guidelines about the open access and open science are contained in the Budapest Declaration.
Due to the articles we use CC-BY licence, one of the Creative Commons.Creative Commons informes on a homepage, that "licensees may copy, distribute, display and perform the work only if they give the author the credits".


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